Located north of Cedar Park on US 183, the fast-growing community of Leander is home to many historic markers. Just south of Leander on the east side of US 183 stands a marker at the Blockhouse Creek subdivision, named for a blockhouse used as an interim prison by the Texas Rangers over a century ago. A fort once stood here, protection the edge of the frontier.
Perhaps the most famous Leander historic marker is actually found east of Cedar Park. This monument recalls the discovery of the “Leanderthal Lady” in January 1983. Dating back between 10,000 and 13,000 years, the skeleton and the site are considered one of the country’s most important Early Man locations. The historic marker is located east of US 183 on FM 1431, southeast of the intersection with Parmer Lane.
Dinosaur Tracks. Park your car at the bridge on the South San Gabriel River, just north of Leander on US 183, and walk upstream for half a mile to see these three-toed dinosaur tracks.
For More Information
Leander Chamber of Commerce