State Capital: Austin
Population: 29 million (2020)
Area: 266,807 square miles
Borders: Louisiana, Arkansas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Mexico
Time zone: Central for most of the state; Mountain for the far western edge of Texas
Postal abbreviation: TX
State Flower: bluebonnet
State Large Mammal: Texas Longhorn
State Small Mammal: armadillo
State Flying Mammal: Mexican free-tailed bat
State bird: mockingbird
State Insect: Monarch butterfly
State tree: pecan
State dish: chili
State Onion: 1015 Onion (named because the suggested planting date is Oct. 15th)
State Fruit: Texas red grapefruit
State Pepper: jalapeño
State Song: “Texas, Our Texas”
Official Travel Website: www.TravelTex.com